explain plan for select x from y; select * from table(dbms_xplan.display); SET PAGESIZE 100 SET LINESIZE 200 SET VERIFY OFF COLUMN plan FORMAT A50 COLUMN object_name FORMAT A30 COLUMN object_type FORMAT A15 COLUMN bytes FORMAT 9999999999 COLUMN cost FORMAT 9999999 COLUMN partition_start FORMAT A20 COLUMN partition_stop FORMAT A20 SELECT LPAD(' ', 2 * (level - 1)) || DECODE (level,1,NULL,level-1 || '.' || pt.position || ' ') || INITCAP(pt.operation) || DECODE(pt.options,NULL,'',' (' || INITCAP(pt.options) || ')') plan, pt.object_name, pt.object_type, pt.bytes, pt.cost, pt.partition_start, pt.partition_stop FROM plan_table pt where statement_id='&1' connect by prior id = parent_id and prior statement_id=statement_id start with id = 0 and statement_id='&1' order by id;